Relation between morphological awareness and fast recognition of the word written in Arabic. A descriptive study on a sample of students in the 04th grade of the primary school
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This study aims to show the relationship between morphological awareness and fast recognition of the written word in Arabic. For this, we have based on the finding results of studies that addressed the different linguistic systems (Arabic and Western) and that showed the role of morphological awareness, with its derivational and inflectional aspects, in the acquisition of reading and recognition of the written word. This recognition involves accuracy and speed. In this regard, this study shows the relation between the morphological awareness, with its two dimensions mentioned above, and the dimension of speed, due to the lack of studies in this area and the extensive focus on the phonological side, despite that the morpheme is the smallest significant unit. To do this, we have applied the test of morphological awareness and Knowledge Test. In addition, we have used the Reading Per Minute Test to measure reading speed. After analyzing the results and calculating Pearson's correlation coefficients, the conclusions showed a statistically significant relationship between the study variables.
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