Distance education and E-learning in Algerian Academic institutions: challenges and achievements

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Rahima Slimani
Fadila Bentahar


The use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) is gradually being adopted in the new teaching practices of schools and universities for both teachers and students This practice revolutionized the world of education and training and allowed the emergence of e-learning In this context, the Algerian Universities have faced the challenge of integrating new educational approaches into the training process to respond to the MESRS initiative relating to the launch of the national distance education system, the aum of which is to improve the quality of training, and comply with the requirements of quality assurance that emanates from the CIAQES (Commission pour l'Implémentation de l'Assurance Qualité dans l'Enseignement Supérieur, Order No. 167 of 31 May 2010). Some insti tutions of higher education have been precursors and have niade a considerable break- through in distance education and e-learning, such as the University of Constantine 1 and ENS Kouba

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How to Cite
Slimani, R., & Bentahar, F. (2019). Distance education and E-learning in Algerian Academic institutions: challenges and achievements. AL-Lisaniyyat, 25(1), 351-377. Retrieved from https://crstdla.dz/ojs/index.php/allj/article/view/728


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