The Algebraic Dimension Of The Language In De Saussure’s Book “Writings In General Linguitics”

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Hafsa Fegas


The Saussurean Algebraic theory‚ that was illustrated in "Writings
in General Linguistics", expresses De Saussure’s desire to make the
linguistics a formal science that relies on scientific strictness. Thus‚ we
can not consider the regularity of linguistic units arbitrary de voided of
a certain logic‚ In that perspective, the algebrical abstraction is the best
way to understand this logic, that’s on one hand. On the other hand, some
aspects of the language attest of its algebrical nature which makes it easier
for the researcher to reach the global bases that gather the languages despite
of their differences, and that’s the ultimate goal of the Linguistics.

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How to Cite
Fegas, H. (2019). The Algebraic Dimension Of The Language In De Saussure’s Book “Writings In General Linguitics”. AL-Lisaniyyat, 25(1), 243-254.


Algebraic – linguistics – human language – De Saussure.
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--Bouquet, Simon. 2008. Ontologie et épistémologie de la linguistique dans les textes originaux. Fd. Vol x||. Paris.
--Bouquet, Simon. 1997. Introduction à la lecture de Saussure. Bibliothèque
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