دور المعالجة البصرية الانتباهية في التعرف على الكلمات لدى الأطفال الذين يعانون من عسر القراءة: تأثير الاتصال الداخلي (الكلي مقابل الجزئي) للكلمات العربية
this study aims to rxplore the effect of the total vs.partial connectivity of letters in Arabic words for typical reader,poor reader and dyslexics groups(8,9 and 10 year old) to understand the role of sequential parallel visual attention processing in words recognition. Participants were instructed to read list of ( frequent-non frequent) words , in addition to a visual attention test.the results showed that dyslexics performed lower than other groups in all reading and phonological tests, but exhibited comparable performance in the visual attention task.the relationship between reading and visual attention processing has been highlight and discussed in the context of visual attention conception of reading-dyslexia, taking into account the orthographic features of Arabic.
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