Evaluation of the output of Machine Translation into Arabic Linguistic- Based approach «Al- Wafi golden» vs «Google» Statistical - based approach

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Souhila Barbara


In all times, translation has always been a powerful tool for communication
between people and has played a key role in the rapprochement among
civilizations. Its importance, in all dimensions was enhanced as demand
for translation services increased sharply in the current century and we
are witnessing a rush for translation work in record time. Moreover, the
phenomenon of acculturation experienced by the present era makes
translation a more complex and multifaceted process.
The persistent demand for the exchange of information and communication
in different languages as a result of technological breakthrough and the
enrollment of all active actors in the global network, resulted in a lot of
pressure for the exchange of information in different languages and in record
time in order to facilitate meeting the most urgent needs in the various aspects
of human life (commercial, military, technical ,cultural, social, etc...).
If human translation managed in the last time run to fulfill thes e
requirements, it could no longer do it, due to the increasing performance
and efficiency of computers connected to the Internet. Therefore, translators
had to resort to digital tools to speed up the process of the completion of
translation work, especially in the technical fields and the world of business
services characterized by repeated terminology texts, free of creative and
rhetorical figures which cannot be subject to automatic representation.

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How to Cite
Barbara, S. (2018). Evaluation of the output of Machine Translation into Arabic Linguistic- Based approach «Al- Wafi golden» vs «Google» Statistical - based approach. AL-Lisaniyyat, 24(2), 175-206. https://doi.org/10.61850/allj.v24i2.120


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