Analysis of Cohesion and Coherence in the Narratives of Aphasics: Semantic-logical Approach

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Fouzia Badaoui


The purpose of this research is to study two aphasic cases : a Broca and a Wernicke, in order to analyze the cohesion and the coherence in their account. Three tests are proposed : the first one without visual support (history of the disease) and the two other ones with visual support (tests based on the description of images). The obtained results have revealed an important disorder in the use of the cohesion tools in the Broca’s accounts which can lead to their global elimination compared to a general preservation of the coherence. Whereas for the Wernicke’s aphasic, the cohesion tools are used a lot compared to a global incoherence in the account.

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How to Cite
Badaoui, F. (2007). Analysis of Cohesion and Coherence in the Narratives of Aphasics: Semantic-logical Approach. AL-Lisaniyyat, 12(2), 105-131.


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