Incremental variation: criterion for analyzing cohesion in aphasics. Semiological-grammatical analysis

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Ouahiba Nasri Boudali


The aphasic disorder is not only limited to the loss of the selection axis or combination, or even to the loss of the taxonomy or generativity axis. The ex-planation of aphasia is based on the neokhalilian linguistic concepts, which reveal to be more operative in the analysis of pathological language and especially in the domain of aphasia. This study has revealed that aphasia is a disturbance in the grammatical cohesion that governs the process of the progressive variation and that one of the two processes is impaired : for the Broca, it is the loss of the patterns’construction (grammatical analysis), and for the Wernicke, it is a disturbance in the main root (a©l).

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How to Cite
Nasri Boudali, O. (2005). Incremental variation: criterion for analyzing cohesion in aphasics. Semiological-grammatical analysis. AL-Lisaniyyat, 10(2), 25-42.


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