An evaluative analytical study of linguistic rules in the Arabic language curriculum - a textbook for the fifth year of primary school as a model

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Safia Metehri
Abdelkader Sekrane


The educational process is built on a number of basic pillars that support teaching the Arabic language, including grammatical and morphological rules that aim to enable the student to master the Arabic language and control its structures verbally and in writing in accordance with the specificity of the Arabic language and its stylistic pattern, in order to bring him - after discovering and digesting the rules - to The stage of appreciating the rule within linguistic texts, and feeling disapproved when hearing or seeing expressions that do not conform to the established pattern in Arabic structures. Linguistic rules also work to enrich the student’s linguistic grammatical balance and tame his memory by memorizing some grammatical principles to benefit from them in both oral and written expression. From here, he develops the ability to read consciously, which develops his inclinations towards personal reading, so that he can finally rely on himself in the process of self-education. Given the importance of this subject, and its position among the Arabic language lessons as an important tributary, as it meets the rest of the subjects, the benefit from it appears in what the student writes or reads, as it is coordinated and harmonious.

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How to Cite
Metehri, S., & Sekrane, A. (2011). An evaluative analytical study of linguistic rules in the Arabic language curriculum - a textbook for the fifth year of primary school as a model. AL-Lisaniyyat, 17(1), 22-34.

