The sectional structure of the description

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Abdelhak Gasmi


This study aims to achieve two main goals: 1. Give an overview and an exposition of the fundamental concepts and notions explaining the theory of text typologisation as described by J. M. Adam; 2. The identification of the structure of descriptive sequence according to this theory. thus, our vision is focused on the descriptive sequence, because it represents a problematic in itself, seeing that its Utterances do not get organized in a conventional schemata, into a macro-propositions (Phases).

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How to Cite
Gasmi, A. (2017). The sectional structure of the description. AL-Lisaniyyat, 23(3), 209-232.


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محفوظ عبد اللطيف وظيفة الوصف في الرواية الدار العربية للعلوم ناشرون (لبنان)، ومنشورات اختلاف (الجزائر)، ط1، 20