Macrostructure text - methodological steps

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Abdelhak Gasmi


This paper dealt with an important concept in the textual studies related
to the understanding of the text known as Macrostructure, it presented the
methodological steps that the analyst should follow to reach the general
meaning of the text, and also indicated that this concept seeks to build a
model similar to the mechanisms used by the co-utterer (the recipient) when
he understands texts, and this is by identifying the customary activities
that the co-utterer uses in his understanding of it, this concept deals with
multiple levels of a text and its contents; it distinguishes between two
different linking networks: the first is in Microstructure, and it relates to
the levels of lexic and syntaxe and semantics, and the other is represented
in Macrostructure, and it is related to the level of global semantic structure
and macro-acts of discourse.There fore, this research dealt with the
difference between Macrostructure (the complex informations in the text)
and Microstructure (Simple Informations) from the cognitive linguistics
view, as it depends first on recognizing the explicit text-base, secondly the
macro-rules that allow to summarize the meaning of the text, and thirdly
extracting the superstructure, as the research concluded that these rules
cannot be completely relied upon to conclude the macrostructure of a text,
because the possibilities that carry the co-utterance can not be restricted
to preserve information without others, as it is due to the activation of
the principle of relevance related to the situation and the ecyclopedic
knowledge of language users, And this cannot be adjusted by abstract
morphological rules.

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How to Cite
Gasmi, A. (2021). Macrostructure text - methodological steps. AL-Lisaniyyat, 27(1), 158-198.


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