Morphemic analysis of the Arabic language, a critical study

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Razik Bouzghaia


In order to understand the contemporaneous linguistic theory and its usage in the Arabic world depends first on reading its epistemic origins within linguistic trends, and then assessing it according to Arabic language properties, to decide whether such theory is pertinent to Arabic or not. In this scientific context, we try, by this article, to investigate an epistemic problematic set by several recent Arabic linguistic studies that applied unconsciously morphemic analysis on Arabic words without considering very often the morphological essence of this language. Thus, the aim of this research is to define the functional and notional reference of the morphemic analysis and to compare them with the functional aspects of morphological forms, in order to verify the efficacy of morphemic analysis adopted by Arabic studies. This research is composed of three parts that combine the theoretical origins of morpheme, the origins of functional idea in Arabic morphology and some aspects of the essential paradox of the Arabic studies adopting this kind of analysis, and comparing it with the morphological analysis for same phenomena as proposed by ancient resources.

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How to Cite
Bouzghaia, R. (2017). Morphemic analysis of the Arabic language, a critical study. AL-Lisaniyyat, 23(3), 255-290.


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