Repetition and its role in the coherence and consistency of discourse. An architectural approach to verses from Surah Ar-Rahman.

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Mohamed Chehri


The meaning of cohesive speech arises and its structure centers on the type of wording of the speech and the ability to structure a speech form which is named as “the formalization” and more specifically when it is concerned with redundancy as a literal aim in its relationship with the cohesion of the speech. How wonderful would it be if it orbited on the Quranic text!, because the repetition in Quran is one of the forms of the inimitability of Quran rhetorically, whose specialized and dominated it among the other holy books because of its sweet and flexible composition, wherein usually the repetitive speech is heavy and plain, while the redundancy in the Quran comes in a flowing tunes through its words, whereas it appears accurately for what it consists of other meanings rather than the emphasis, and one of its solemn appearances has appeared in Surah Er-Rahman (The Most Gracious).

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How to Cite
Chehri, M. (2017). Repetition and its role in the coherence and consistency of discourse. An architectural approach to verses from Surah Ar-Rahman. AL-Lisaniyyat, 23(3), 291-300.


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