Place of phonation in the realization of dental prosthesis in totally edentulous patient

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Nadia Boudelaa
Souraya Dendouga
Samia Dribel
Chafika Zeriati


Phonation has a crucial role to play in the rehabilitation of the totally edentulous, as it allows an essential function to be restored: speech. The absence of teeth alters the articulation of phonemes, intraoral resonance and the tonicity of oral structures (lips, tongue, and cheeks). Our objective is to focus on the importance of phonation in the design and adaptation of dental prostheses in the totally edentulous patient, highlighting the techniques and principles to be followed to optimize results. The design of prostheses is based on the fitting stage, the prosthetic joint and, above all, the choice of the vertical dimension of occlusion (DVO) and the positioning of prosthetic teeth according to lingual, labial and dental sounds, as well as phonetic verification in the mouth during trials. Patient-practitioner collaboration, particularly through sound repetition exercises, is essential for adjusting prostheses. Phonation is therefore an indirect indicator of prosthetic success, as it reflects the balance between aesthetics, comfort and function. A careless approach can lead to prosthetic rejection and patient dissatisfaction. This makes phonation a fundamental parameter in the success of complete dentures.

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How to Cite
Boudelaa, N., Dendouga, S., Dribel, S., & Zeriati, C. (2024). Place of phonation in the realization of dental prosthesis in totally edentulous patient. AL-Lisaniyyat, 30(2), 90-101. Retrieved from


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