The Role of Classroom Behavior Modification Techniques in Reducing Classroom Behavioral Problems in Schools

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Naziha Sahraoui


This study aims to address one of the most pressing issues in the educational environment: the management of unacceptable behaviors among school students within the classroom. It explores how teachers can control these behaviors through the implementation of proper educational methods derived from various scientific theories, studies, and research that have proven effective. This includes discussing the most significant behavior modification techniques and some effective classroom management strategies.

The goal is to draw the attention of all parties involved in the educational and teaching process to the importance of these measures in reducing classroom behavioral problems and their positive effects on classroom management, students, teachers, families, and society as a whole. The study seeks to answer the following questions: What are the most common classroom problems within the classroom, their sources, and methods for modifying them? What are some effective classroom management strategies?

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How to Cite
Sahraoui, N. (2024). The Role of Classroom Behavior Modification Techniques in Reducing Classroom Behavioral Problems in Schools. AL-Lisaniyyat, 30(2), 73-89.


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