The development of translation studies and its impact on the role of the translator

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Assia Laribi


Translation is not considered as a linear process starting from the source
text to reach the target text, which consists on decoding and encoding the
message. However‚ modern translation studies theories focus on the cultural
context of the target text. This new trend is due to the development of cultural
and post-colonial studies which helped dominated cultures to develop some
techniques such as omission‚ addition and adaptation in order to highlight
the local elements of their post colonial translated literature.
This turn in translation studies has largely influenced the translator's
activity, in fact he doesn’t produce a neutral translation but he became
a decision maker into the communication process between two different
languages by asking the following questions: What do we translate, how
do we translate and why do we translate? Following this procedure, the
translator must put the target text into its political and ideological context.
Also, the technological tools have a great impact on the translator’s
work and develop his capacities on cultural adaptation. These changes in
translations studies increased the responsibilities of the translator/interpreter
with regards to becoming a linguist, cultural mediator, negotiator and an
expert in digital culture.

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How to Cite
Laribi, A. (2018). The development of translation studies and its impact on the role of the translator. AL-Lisaniyyat, 24(2), 143-174.


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