Typology Of Visual Dyslexia Errors In Arabic A Single Case Study

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كهينة لطاد
Lynda Lettad


This study aims to describe the errors made by children from
3rd-grade of primary school presenting visual dyslexia in the Arabic language. We applied several tests to evaluate performance in
school and phonological skills in a single case study of a child with
visual dyslexia. The case of the pupil Z-A presents a wide range
of deficits in reading and writing. His difficulties are characterized
predominantly by visual errors in all positions of the target words.
His errors result in substitutions, omissions, additions, fewer errors
in migrations and vowel substitutions. Some errors have affected
the morphological aspect of the word, whereas in some Z.A’s responses, he kept the root and omitted the suffixes of the words, as
we noted difficulties in identifying letters in the test of “matching
identical letters” with difference in position in the word or difference in diacritical mark, therefore, we noted a lexical effects such
as the frequency of words and orthographic neighborhood effect.
We suggest that Z-A has both subtypes of visual dyslexia, one impairment in the input of the orthographic visual analysis system,
and the second at a later stage, outputs of the orthographic visual
analysis system.

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How to Cite
لطادك., & Lettad, L. (2021). Typology Of Visual Dyslexia Errors In Arabic A Single Case Study. AL-Lisaniyyat, 27(1), 43-65. https://doi.org/10.61850/allj.v27i1.152


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