The Corpus Linguistics and its applications: Towards a new perspective on Translation Studies

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Mounira Hammoudi
Djamel Boutchacha


There is no two ways about it - the computer revolution has brought
about important changes in linguistic studies. At the start, manually compiled corpora were the basis on which linguistic phenomena are examined.
With technological advances, electronic corpora become the source from
which every linguist extracts his/her terminology and build his/her theoretical assumptions. This qualitative growth in corpora has contributed to
the emergence of the so-called «Corpus Linguistics»; an applied branch
of linguistics that has pushed translation studies forward through the tools
and programs it offers.
Hence, this analytical and descriptive study aims to shed light on corpus
linguistics and its applications, the key phases «Corpus Linguistics» came
through to be a branch in its own right and on how it contributes to reshaping the course of «Translation Studies».

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How to Cite
Hammoudi, M., & Boutchacha, D. (2019). The Corpus Linguistics and its applications: Towards a new perspective on Translation Studies. AL-Lisaniyyat, 25(2), 57-84.


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