On Some Fire Names in Classical Arabic: Hierarchical or Equivalence Relations

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The synonymy in classical Arabic has received great interest from the ancient and modern linguists. we must say that the old Arabic language contains a
significant number of words that can designated the same object. The medieval
Arab encyclopedias contain a multitude of names for: honey, sword, horse, sun,
fire etc.
The reasons for this diversity can be explained by several causes. Which calls
into question the validity of the synonymic relation between the names. However the question remains as to the nature of this relation. This article intends
revisited this phenomenon by the review of “names of fire” and their respective
semantic fields firstly. And secondly, to propose a new classification of these
names in light of the lexical relations other than synonymy and particularly the
hyponymicand myronomic relationship.

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How to Cite
BEKHECHI, N. (2017). On Some Fire Names in Classical Arabic: Hierarchical or Equivalence Relations. AL-Lisaniyyat, 23(1), 27-49. https://doi.org/10.61850/allj.v23i1.264


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