Linguistic characterization and representation on the other: The challenges of translating accents foreigners at Hergé

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This paper discusses the translation of foreign accents as a tool for linguistic
characterization of fiction characters, and as a means of depicting the Other,
as opposed to the Self, in comics, more specifically in Hergé’s works. This dichotomy raises problematics that exceed the mere linguistic issues that face the
translator when translating all types of texts, by presenting political, ideological,
historical and socio-cultural dimensions to the act of translating. This depiction of the Other via linguistic characterization can sometimes be perceived as
cartoonish, parodic, and even prejudicial or racist. This raises the question of
the translator’s responsibility as to his choice to translate or non-translate these
foreign accents.

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How to Cite
KHODJA, L. (2017). Linguistic characterization and representation on the other: The challenges of translating accents foreigners at Hergé. AL-Lisaniyyat, 23(1), 99-115.


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