Communicating with text, problems of comprehension and effective reading

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Bachir Ibrir


The present study asks about the following issue namely how to communicate with the text? To deal with this subject, the author develops those questions:

What is communication? What are its ways, steps and its importance for the didactic process? What is reading? Understanding? What links those concepts? What are the most important methodological and educational procedures to achieve an effective reading ensuring a best understanding? What are the strategies to adopt for its development?

This study aims to aims to detect the weaknesses of the educational system as far as this matter is concerned as well as to attract attention to the issue that he judges of topical interest and deserves serious research and study at a time that shows a scientific progress, a complicated, deep and tremendous cognitive development exceeding the obtaining and assimilation of information to the acquisition of the methods of understanding, analysis and functionalism according needs and conditions.

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How to Cite
Ibrir, B. (2005). Communicating with text, problems of comprehension and effective reading. AL-Lisaniyyat, 10(2), 29-60.


see the full text p.58-p.60