A new vision in some prosodic terms
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First, I say that what I am presenting does not claim leadership or precedence, and it will not be a conclusion. Rather, it is an attempt to refine, correct, or reduce some of the terminology to a science that appears to have been developed for the elite, a science that we must acknowledge is of a degree of complexity and specificity that prompts those interested in heritage studies to take a closer look at it. Especially your texture and its privacy, and this is at best, or to distance themselves from delving into its fields, which kept the Arab shows To a large extent - withdrawing into itself, it does not go beyond the teaching of explanation and commentators, or a special breeding ground for those with ideological visions who are likely to roam in its fields, broadcasting their visions out of a deaf keenness to destroy the Khalilian theory in presentations and erase it from the Arab heritage existence and its improvement toward the optimum, or by minimizing its What is the matter with this theory and its owner’s neglect of his right to leadership and long standing in science? Do we have - I do not know - the right to address these researchers?
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