Analysis And Clinical Interpretation Of Isolated Articulatory Deficit Then In Speech In Cerebral Palsy Children - Example Of 02 CMI Children (Cerebral Palsy) -

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Souhila Bouakkaze


In this article, we have chosen to deal with the cerebral motor disability.this means, children with normal mental ability and having language disorders and specific cognitive disorders.more precisely, this article figures out the results of two children, who have undergone the therapeutic education of language sub-test a language test adapted to cerebral paralyzed children-algerian version the sub-test deals with the pure articulation phonetic modality and articulatory model In fact , the goal is to show that in case of celebral palsy, it is question of phonetic and phonological disorders.their interpretation is possible from a neuro-motor and cognitive conception through neuro psycholinguistic data treated by numerous authors who dealt with cerebral motor disability.


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How to Cite
Bouakkaze, S. (2015). Analysis And Clinical Interpretation Of Isolated Articulatory Deficit Then In Speech In Cerebral Palsy Children - Example Of 02 CMI Children (Cerebral Palsy) -. AL-Lisaniyyat, 21(2), 49-69.


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