Intention and inference in the conversational theory of H. Paul Grice

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Karima Salmi


This research attempts to determine the two concepts, intention and
inference, in the conversational theory of H. Paul Grice and their importance
in explaining how to communicate the intentions. Grice established his
theory on the basis of the principle of cooperation and the conversational
rules that arise from it and that violate them leads to activate the mechanism
of inference to understand the intended meanings.
The research focused on the issue of intention and meaning, in terms of
the mismatch between intention and the literal meaning of the discourse
and on Grice’s interpretation of the process of deducing the meanings
intended by the speaker, and which is not apparent in his speech, according
to conversational inference and the course of the conversation and its
circumstances. The research has also attempted to show some of the
shortcomings of conversation theory by referring to the criticisms it has
raised and the additions and modifications made to it.

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How to Cite
Salmi, K. (2022). Intention and inference in the conversational theory of H. Paul Grice. AL-Lisaniyyat, 28(1), 33-64.


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