The Arabic language curriculum for the third year of general and technological secondary education - scientific divisions - an evaluative analytical study in light of the textual approach

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Abdelkrim Ben mohamed


Arabic language and literature curricula in general and technological secondary education adopt the textual approach in teaching and learning the Arabic language to develop and activate their various linguistic acquisitions and skills to provide students with various competencies. This study aims to identify the importance of adopting the textual approach in teaching and learning the Arabic language. Then to identify the standards that should be taken into account while constructing, designing and constructing curricula for teaching and learning the Arabic language in accordance with the textual approach to achieve the targeted goals and competencies. The study also describes and analyzes the components of the curriculum in order to propose a new strategy for building curricula for teaching and learning the Arabic language at the secondary education level. The intervention included three axes: The first axis: The first axis: The importance of taking into account the standards and principles of the textual approach in building curricula for teaching and learning the Arabic language. The second axis: an evaluative analytical reading of the curriculum of the third year of technological secondary education. The third axis: Building curricula for teaching and learning the Arabic language in the secondary education stage according to the textual approach.

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How to Cite
Ben mohamed, A. (2011). The Arabic language curriculum for the third year of general and technological secondary education - scientific divisions - an evaluative analytical study in light of the textual approach. AL-Lisaniyyat, 17(1), 1-21.


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