Design of a Support Device for a Distance Training Platform in Arabic

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Hassina Seridi
Mokhtar Sellami
Issam Chibouni
Adlen Zenoune


This article presents a model for organizing tutoring to guide the design of support systems. This modeling makes it possible to determine the tutoring activity to be implemented based on a given learning situation. It is then possible to specify and choose the tools to be made available to the tutor to perceive the situation but also to interact with the learners during a learning session. Several works are underway to develop these tools for foreign languages but no project has been initiated for the Arabic language which has its own specificities in text classification problems. An iterative and participatory design method made it possible to develop such a model, tools and tutoring interfaces for the training system for the Arabic language.

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How to Cite
Seridi, H., Sellami, M., Chibouni, I., & Zenoune, A. (2013). Design of a Support Device for a Distance Training Platform in Arabic. AL-Lisaniyyat, 19(2), 33-45.


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