Educationnal Sciences Using The E-learning Methods

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A. Khireddine
K. Benmahammed


Since the primary education age the man knew through philosophy, a working tool for the resolution of these problems. The projection of technologies gave well thanks to the design, calculation, planning, the strategy of decision and the realization itself of the finished product. With the contribution of the cybernetic tools and automation allows us to define and build methodologies as powerful as possible of introduction and deepening of these new technologies. In addition, the ageing of the programs and the teaching methods, the limitation of the level of the teacher and in consequence of the pupil and finally the limitations budgetary which reduce much and of advantage the level, it is high time to reflect to invent while taking as a starting point the other technologies for our own approaches. In the process of reform which our country knows, one cannot hope to start the growth and to ensure the modernization of our company without the control of the factors which characterizes it, like science, technology, and the strategies of innovation and anticipation. This control as it is established of share the world, can be generated elsewhere only at the university, the organizations and associations which constitute a true reserve of know-how, scientific, and mean of communication competences. Thus, to face an increased competition and to give the chance to take up the challenges of the expiry into 2005, technology has more than need to obtain strategy for performance which are based on the dissemination of informations within the university and best taken into account of the environment, The article presents various aspects and practical cases of teaching methodologies.

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How to Cite
Khireddine , A., & Benmahammed, K. (2013). Educationnal Sciences Using The E-learning Methods. AL-Lisaniyyat, 19(2), 46-51.


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