Translation science between linguistics and literature

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Souhila Meribai


 The activity of translation has a long-standing tradition and has been widely practiced throughout history in social and cultral life , but in our rapidly changing world its role has become of paramount importance. Nowadays, the phenomenon of translation has become fundamental. It was recently theorized within a recognized discipline, namely translation studies, often considered as a branch of linguistics. Of course, before this theoretical moment, many translators have testified about their experience and have tried to put in place precepts or methods. In this article we see the way in which the theoreticians who have studied translation have focused on the literary or linguistic point of view, in order to demonstrate that the study of literary translations is a real interdisciplinarity that alone allows an effective analysis of translations. Thus, beyond the separation of literature and linguistics, we find in the critique of translation many approaches that Oseki-Dépré has divided into three categories: prescriptive theories, descriptive theories and prospective theories. This typology will make it easier to characterize and distinguish the different approaches, in order to feed reflection on translation studies

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How to Cite
Meribai, S. (2017). Translation science between linguistics and literature. AL-Lisaniyyat, 23(3), 79-104.


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