Acoustic Analysis of the Voices of Algerian Laryngectomy Patients

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Kamel Ferrat


As part of this study, we present an acoustic analysis of the voice of patients who underwent Total Laryngectomy (LT) in an Algerian hospital environment. To achieve this objective, we used a corpus of sounds collected between October 2008 and September 2009. The latter was pronounced by eight patients. The recordings were made before the start of rehabilitation and after three, six and eleven months of rehabilitation. The acoustic analysis was carried out using the Praat analysis software and the Matlab programming software. This analysis concerns the fundamental frequency F0 (Hz) with the standard deviation and the extreme values (F0max and F0min), the first three formants (F1, F2, F3), the Jitter (%), the Shimmer (dB), the HNR (dB), the percentage of DUF unvoiced frames (%) and the intensity (dB). The results of the analysis show us quite significant disturbances of F0 and a reduction in intensity compared to the normal laryngeal voice. In addition, we note a noticeable increase in Jitter and Shimmer values, a decrease in HNR values and an increase in DUF, when pronouncing sustained vowels. This work aims to objectively characterize pathological speech with a view to their use in speech rehabilitation in the Algerian hospital environment.

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How to Cite
Ferrat, K., & GUERTI, M. (2014). Acoustic Analysis of the Voices of Algerian Laryngectomy Patients. AL-Lisaniyyat, 20(1), 135-145.


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