The linguistic errors in the written production of 3rd year middle school learners -a study in the light of error analysis

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Mebarka Guemgam
Aicha Djemai


This study aims at figuring out the types of linguistic errors that are
repeated in the written production by 3rd year middle school learners,
finding the linguistic and psychological causes, and interpreting them in the
light of the mechanisms of error analysis method and its methodological
The linguistics errors have been classified after their specification from
the linguistic subject represented in the written productions of the learners
into: dictation errors, syntactic errors, and semantic errors. They have
been statistically processed to study the distribution of the frequencies,
the percentages, and the significant differences. Moreover, we studied the
distribution of frequencies and the percentages of each category of the
linguistic errors. Then, the results have been analyzed, interpreted, and
processed scientifically.
Findings show that the dictation errors are the most common and frequent,
followed by the syntactic ones. Moreover, there are statistically significant
differences in the degrees of the errors (dictation, syntactic, and semantic).
The interpretation of the findings shows that there are difficulties faced by
the learners in the process of learning the Arabic rules that may be related
to the nature of the linguistic content, the styles used by the teachers, or the
learning environment

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How to Cite
Guemgam, M., & Djemai, A. (2022). The linguistic errors in the written production of 3rd year middle school learners -a study in the light of error analysis. AL-Lisaniyyat, 28(1), 241-277.


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