Verbal common order in local dictionaries, a local Amazigh educational dictionary project as a model

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Kamel Aka


Homonymy and polysemic words may well be viewed as one of the salient phenomena that pervade most natural languages. Making use of homonymy and polysemic words enables ideal listeners / speakers to express themselves by using a limited sct of lexical items in illimited
linguistic contexts and situations. This phenomenon is observed, in a large measure, in the Amazigh language and is responsible of its lexical richness.
A whole range of linguistic theories have tried to provide a comprehensive account of
homonymy and polysemic words, among which we can mention the theory of verb valency.
This theory is a syntactic-semantic theory that attempts to study the verb on the basis of its nature, semantic features as well as the number of acceptable positions in which it occurs. In this paper, we have experimented this theory in the domain of dictionary elaboration on the basis of the valency-model of Engel (1977). The following five axes are developped through out the paper :
- Homonymy and polysemic words: definition and typology.
- Reasons underlying the appearance of homonyms and polysemic words in standard
Amazigh. -"The ordering of homonyms and polysemic words in the multi-lingual Amazigh scholar vocabulaty book.
- The macro and microstructure of valency vocabulary books. - The ordering of homonyms and polysemic words in a teaching-oriented Amazigh vocabulary book project.

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How to Cite
Aka, K. (2014). Verbal common order in local dictionaries, a local Amazigh educational dictionary project as a model. AL-Lisaniyyat, 20(2), 175-192.


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