Dictionary text between the general dictionary and the nominal dictionary, a comparative study

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Zakia El sayih Dahmani


We compare in our communication the texts of two different dictionaries : the
general language dictionary and the onomastic dictionary.
The essential goal of this work is to explain that che proper noun (first name)
which is not found in the dictionary, because it is deprived from truc meaning,
comes back as a linguistic sign and makes a specific dictionary whose headings
show characteristics of many types of dictionaries; namely the general, historic,
etymologic and biographic dictionary.

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How to Cite
El sayih Dahmani, Z. (2014). Dictionary text between the general dictionary and the nominal dictionary, a comparative study. AL-Lisaniyyat, 20(2), 263-280. https://doi.org/10.61850/allj.v20i2.532


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