The semantic component in the definition of a scientific term in the general linguistic dictionary

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El Habib El Nasraoui


The linguistic sign is double faced : the first face is concrete (it is called the significant)
and the second one is abstract (called the signifier). Tes function resides in enhancing the speaker's understanding of his universe by classifying it into mental categories that link the
unlimited diversity of che world to the acoustic forms which define this world. This means thar language mastery is the basis of manipulating the competence of its classification and
abstraction. This early method of organization is reflected in the lexicographic definition
and more precisely in the logic definition.
We aim in the present article to focus on the structure of the lexicographic definition which varies according co the treatment linked to the features of the sign to get a linguistic definition and the treatment related to the references of the sign to get a logic definition. To achieve this aim, we depart from the definition artribured to words belonging to a
specific given scientific classification in the general dictionary. Then, we move to deal with
the semantic structure of the definition, aiming at a better understanding of the way words
emerge, the semantic relations berween them, and the goals that regroup them. “The corpus of our study is made up of three terminologically meaningfal nouns treated
by two Arabic dictionaries : Al-Wassit and Mu‘djam al-Lugha al-Arabiyya al-Mu‘assira, and one French dictionary : Le Petit Robert.

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How to Cite
El Nasraoui, E. H. (2014). The semantic component in the definition of a scientific term in the general linguistic dictionary. AL-Lisaniyyat, 20(2), 327-358.


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