Delayed language development in children between construction and concatenation Clinical linguistic approach in the light of the concepts of neoKhalilian theory

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Mohammed Arbi Adjed


The object of this study is the delay of oral language development in
children according to the concepts of the neo-Khalilian theory. In this context,
we have chosen in this research the following levels of linguistic analysis:
lexis as a semiologic-grammatical unit and syntactic units (tectonies), and
which have been the subject of the formulation of hypotheses which can
be summarized in the existence in the clinical cases studied of difficulties
in the activity of the construction of the nuclei (uṣūl) of the nominal lexis,
as well as the verbal lexis and syntactic units (tectonies). These difficulties
extend further to the activity of concatenation (waṣl) and the generation
(tafrī ̔) of increments from the nominal nucleus; the verbal nucleus and
the syntactic nucleus. The results of this research show that this delay is a
delay of assimilation and internalization of the generating patterns of the
elements of speech (it manifests itself in particular in the level of tectonics
and verbal lexis, which imply a higher level of abstraction compared to the
nominal lexis), it is expressed on two operative activities: construction and
concatenation]. Thus, according to the neo-Kalilian concepts, the child
must acquire the internal hierarchy of language which is based on marātib
(uṣūl and furū ̔); that is to say, the relations of anteriority and posteriority
that exist between linguistic objects or classes of linguistic objects.

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How to Cite
Adjed, M. A. (2022). Delayed language development in children between construction and concatenation Clinical linguistic approach in the light of the concepts of neoKhalilian theory. AL-Lisaniyyat, 28(1), 303-340.


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