Measurement of psychometric characteristics of the oral naming test DO 80 to detect lexical errors of Broca’s aphasia in the Algerian cultural environment

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Hafidha Taboudjema
Fatima Zinet


The present study aims to verify the validity and reliability of the DO80 test, for detecting lexical
errors in subjects suffering from Broca's aphasia in the Algerian environment. To do this, we have
applied the test to a sample of (80) subjects suffering from Broca's aphasia who are in several
clinics and hospitals in the wilaya of Algiers. The study showed after statistical processing of the
results, that the test has a high degree of validity, which appears in referee validity and constructive
validity. In addition, the test achieved a high level of stability using Cronbach's coefficient, which
allows us to conclude that the test is valid and stable and that we can apply it in the Algerian
cultural environment.

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How to Cite
Taboudjema, H., & Zinet, F. (2023). Measurement of psychometric characteristics of the oral naming test DO 80 to detect lexical errors of Broca’s aphasia in the Algerian cultural environment. AL-Lisaniyyat, 29(2), 86-115.


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