The cognitive and neuronal bases of developmental dyslexia a review with emphasis on the arabic language
Main Article Content
We provide a review of the scientific literature on the cognitive and neurobiological bases of dyslexic
disorders, emphasizing the similarities and differences between languages and integrating data from
studies on the Arabic language. Learning to read is more or less effortful and the manifestations of
dyslexia are different depending on the characteristics of the writing systems. Children with dyslexia
have trouble cracking the alphabetic code, which prevents them ultimately achieving fluent word
reading and comprehension. Two main deficits of either phonological awareness or visual-attention span
are independently involved in the development of dyslexia. These cognitive deficits relate to the
dysfunction of different brain networks and are more or less impacting depending on the language
orthography. Dyslexic children benefit from trainings that specifically target their underlying cognitive
deficit, leading to significant reading improvements. Early interventions that explicitly focus on
phonological processing or visual attention are effective to prevent reading difficulties.
Article Details
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