The act of reading between the production of the meaning and the reception of the recipient, Reading on the poem of Mahmoud Darwish's- Those who Pass between fleeting words -a Model

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Soraya Achacha


In This article we have dealt with a Reading in a poem -those who pass
between fleeting words- by Mahmoud darwish, is due to the particularity
of this poem on the one hand, and the great importance that the reading
process has acquired on the other, and we tried to apply the most important
concepts and mechanisms of the theory of reading and reception, which
is one of modern critical theories that concern the reader for his effective
role in achieving the literary text and building its meaning and access to
his ignronce, and this is because the reader is the one who discovers this
meaning by using his competencies and references in the act of reading.

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How to Cite
Achacha, S. (2023). The act of reading between the production of the meaning and the reception of the recipient, Reading on the poem of Mahmoud Darwish’s- Those who Pass between fleeting words -a Model. AL-Lisaniyyat, 29(1), 127-140.


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