discourse - signification - speech acts -context - performative force.
Main Article Content
The speech acts contribute to the definition of meaning, so translators pay great attention to them,
especially when translating the meanings of the Quran into other languages, taking into account the
pragmatic impact. The question to answer in this article is : how can the theory of speech acts be
invested to reveal the role of the performative force in the production of meaning and to translate it
into the Quran discourse?.
The combination of modern approaches and traditional linguistic views may contribute to the
addition of new insights to analyze the Quranic discourse, to understand its signification and to
translation It. We chose as corpus "verses of the Quran" from El-Bakara (The cow) chapter, and we
are relied on three famous translation. These translations are analyzed and compared to what is
said in the Quran interpretation books.
Article Details
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