A critic of katharina Reiss’ Text Types theory, and itsaffectiveness on intellectualtexts

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Cheikh mohammed Dabouz


This paper aims, on first hand, at shading light on the considerations
that shaped the Text types Theory in Translation, studying its theoretical
structure. Than secondly, it endeavors to examine the extent to which
the Text Types theoretical frame can be successfully applied on the
mechanisms of the intellectual text. As a result, this paper finds out that
there are quiet many theoretical aspects of this theory which can be
largely applicable on the specificities of the intellectual text, as it finds
out also that this text goes beyond the Text Types classification of Reiss.
The descriptive analytical comparative method was followed through out
this study.

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How to Cite
Dabouz, C. mohammed. (2022). A critic of katharina Reiss’ Text Types theory, and itsaffectiveness on intellectualtexts. AL-Lisaniyyat, 28(2), 85-116. https://doi.org/10.61850/allj.v28i2.63


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