Obstacles to evaluating education systems in developing countries
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Countries around the world seek to develop their education systems and keep pace with civilization by scientific and cognitive development in various areas of life. They seek to invest in rising generations. This represents the main objective of any education system. For that, each country has a particular strategy through which it achieves its main objectives. Developing countries seek to achieve such goals. However, they face a number of difficulties and obstacles that prevent them from achieving their goals, such as:
- Adopting of an ambiguous strategy and taking hasty and improvised decisions in the management of the education sector.
- Weakness of the budget allocated to the education sector compared to that allocated by developed countries in terms of education.
- Overcrowding of educational classes and lack of modern technological means in educational institutions and in the classroom.
Based on what has been proposed, our study ends with a set of proposals, which are:
- Evaluating all the elements of the teaching-learning process separately, and then combining them in order to facilitate dealing with the part compared to the whole.
- Supporting strengths, addressing weaknesses and adopting a long-term, well-defined strategy.
Keywords: obstacles of evaluation, education systems, developing countries, ambiguous strategy.
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