Intensive Versus Non Intensive Arabic

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Sami Hanna


his study attempts to find out if there is any difference between American students
who study Arabic for one year and those who study the same course in eight weeks which is
called « intensive ». It also attemps to find out whether or not there is a correlation between
the student’s language learning aptitude and his /her achievement in the regular and intensive
course. The experiment was conducted at the University of Utah- The subjects of the
experiment are American students who enrolled in the first year Arabic and students
who took the same course in eight weeks only. Comparing the scores of each group
it was found a slight superiority of the regular students. It was found that there is a high
correlation between the Modern Language Apti tude Test (MLAT) and the achievement of the
students in both groups.

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How to Cite
Hanna, S. (1971). Intensive Versus Non Intensive Arabic. AL-Lisaniyyat, 2(1), 63-67.

