Development of a test for the language assessment of aphasics in Kabyle, Arabic and FrenchPractical study on 08 cases in Algerian clinical environment

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Mohamed Haciane


In this article, we present an analysis and interpretation of the symptoms
of aphasic subjects based on a new technique of assessment by test method
The present study aimed to determine the effectiveness of a test to assess
language skills in Kabyle, Arabic and French.
To achieve this objective, the researcher uses the descriptive method, where
the number of samples (08) cases of aphasia were randomly selected from
Tizi-Ouzou Hospital and a private clinic of speech therapy in the same state.
The research tool includs data collection: the preliminary information form
and language ability assessment test. The information was processed by the
following statistical tests: T test, arithmetic means and standard deviations.
Thus, the researcher has reached the realization of the hypothesis proposed
for the study on all dimensions of the test and in the total degree of it, and this
means that understanding and expression are related, and these are two cognitive
processes that take place at the same time and their relationship is close. Oral and
its stages greatly contribute to the linguistic performance and communication of
the aphasic.
After applying the test, the obtained results are analyzed according to the
following elements:
Phonemic discrimination - recognition of the form of words - recognition of
the meaning of the word - grammatical morphological processing - pragmatic
semantic processing.

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How to Cite
Haciane, M. (2022). Development of a test for the language assessment of aphasics in Kabyle, Arabic and FrenchPractical study on 08 cases in Algerian clinical environment. AL-Lisaniyyat, 28(2), 7-37.


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