The Pedagogical Discourse at the University

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Ali Bouacha


subjugation of speech. As Foucault says in his “inaugural lesson at the Collège de France:
“What, after all, is a system of teaching if not a ritualization of speech, if not a qualification and fixation of
roles for speaking subjects; if not the constitution of a doctrinal group that is at least diffuse; otherwise a distribution and appropriation of
discourse with its powers and knowledge”.
The teacher is recognized as such, less for what he knows than
for what he says. We could continue the paradox by asserting that
pedagogy does not exist; yet everyone has encountered it, through a practice, in the implementation of a discursive strategy
given, at the intersection of larger or more restricted domains
but with ever better defined contours. This is why, rather than
to deal with the pedagogization of concepts, the acquisition of pedagogical know-how, the ethical or technical problems posed by the evaluation of teachers and/or teaching, I
I will endeavor to identify, beyond questions of content and through the
diversity of scientific disciplines, formal characteristics
of educational discourse. How do we go about teaching
something to someone. What argumentative forms do we use?
work to establish a didactic type of interlocution?

Article Details

How to Cite
Bouacha, A. (1997). The Pedagogical Discourse at the University. AL-Lisaniyyat, 7(1), 8-23.


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