Impact of listening in the motivation of learning Arabic for non-native speakers - Field study-

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Zineb Bouriah
Mohamed Hathout


The study aimed to reveal the impact of listening skill on the motivation of learning Arabic for non-speakers. To achieve the study's objectives, the researcher used the analytical descriptive curriculum by applying the electronic questionnaire to a random sample of 64 non-Arabic-speaking students at Arabic-language learning centers in the Algerian capital. The results of the study revealed that the overall level of proficiency in listening in Arabic for non-speaking students was moderate. The results also showed that the level of motivation in its various dimensions (sedentary, integrative motivation) for learning Arabic for non-speaking students in the Arabic language learning centers in the Algerian capital was high. The results also indicated the impact of listening on the mediocrity of learning Arabic for non-speakers, and the impact of listening on the integral motivation of learning Arabic for non-speakers. The study recommended that students should be encouraged to develop their language abilities by practicing Arabic in daily life and seeking opportunities to actively listen and communicate with Arabic speakers.

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How to Cite
Bouriah, Z., & Hathout, M. (2024). Impact of listening in the motivation of learning Arabic for non-native speakers - Field study-. AL-Lisaniyyat, 30(2), 46-60. Retrieved from


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