Using the Mind Mapping Strategy In Simplifying Grammatical Rules for the Third Year of Secondary Education -Literature and Philosophy Branch as Model-
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The methods and strategies of teaching have multiplied and diversified, aiming to assist learners in transforming written content into frameworks that enhance their understanding and simplify the material they receive. The mind mapping strategy is considered one of the innovations that seeks to increase the ability to recall, organize, arrange, simplify, and comprehend information among learners across various subjects and educational stages.
Accordingly, this research paper aims to reveal the significance of relying on the mind mapping strategy in simplifying grammar rules for third-year secondary education learners. Given the difficulty and complexity associated with Arabic grammar, several attempts have emerged to reduce these challenges, either by condensing grammar books or by innovating programs and developing new strategies and methods that facilitate the teaching of Arabic grammar and solidify it in the minds of learners.
The research concluded with a set of findings, the most important of which is that the mind mapping strategy is one of the most significant modern strategies that has a positive and effective impact on simplifying grammar rules and making them easier to convey to third-year secondary learners through succinctness and reliance on branching. Its application in teaching grammar also aids in quickly and accurately reviewing previously learned information on the subject.
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