Diagnosis of dyslexia in the Algerian school

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Hada Zeddam


According to specialists in cognitive psychology, there are two routes
for the treatment of written words:
Phonological route is an indirect method ,which operates according to
the mechanisms of conversion of graphemes into phonemes and which
is based on metalinguistic abilities and called method of phonological
mediation or assembly.
Lexical route is a direct method that allows quick access to meaning,
called processing by addressing. The use of one or both routes in the
dyslexic reader is bad, it does not make the recognition of written words
automatic and correct.
Based on the theoretical model of Coltheart (2001) bidirectional reading,
neuropsychological studies have identified various forms of dyslexia that
occur as a result of one or both pathways. Affecting the assembly path
leads to phonological dyslexia, and affecting the addressing path leads to
surface dyslexia. Affecting both ways leads in turn to mixed dyslexia.
On the basis of the above, the present study aims to detect the disorder
of these two routes in Algerian dyslexic children attending classes of 3 rd,
4th and 5th grade and between 8 to 12 years in Algiers.

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How to Cite
Zeddam, H. (2018). Diagnosis of dyslexia in the Algerian school. AL-Lisaniyyat, 24(1), 201-231. https://doi.org/10.61850/allj.v24i1.77


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