Written to dictation disorders in aphasia

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Kahina Lettad


Through this article, we have treated the disorders of written language in
aphasics, with the aim of: determining the type of deficit in aphasic arabic
speaking patient aphasic. In order to describe and analyze the disorders of the
written expression, we have to study the dysfunction of assembly and addressing
routes, according to the theoretical model of Carramazza using the dictation test
in the aphasic. It appears that the results of the 3 aphasic patients showed that
the spelling difficulties in the Arabic language caused increased errors in writing
to dictation words and pseudo-words, and generated different types of agraphia
(Phonological, lexical, peripheral), but also of the graphemic buffer disorders.

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How to Cite
Lettad, K. (2018). Written to dictation disorders in aphasia. AL-Lisaniyyat, 24(1), 21-45. https://doi.org/10.61850/allj.v24i1.82


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