Impact of Oculomotor Disorders on the Acquisition of Reading in Children IMC

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Kahina Lettad


Most clinical symptoms in the children with cerebral palsy manifest usually
visuo-spatial dyspraxia disorders, in addition to an emphasized high frequency
of neurovisual disorders.
The aim of this article is to determine the relationship between neurovisual
disorders and the acquisition of reading in Arabic in cerebral palsy through the
description and analysis of the errors in reading as well as the difficulties in
learning to read.
We have demonstrated that the cognitive impairment mainly visuo spatial
and neuro-visual disorders is the most hindering factors in the learning process.
We also noted its impact on learning to read, the reading disorder is manifested
by visual peripheral dyslexia, and surface central dyslexia.

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How to Cite
Lettad, K. (2017). Impact of Oculomotor Disorders on the Acquisition of Reading in Children IMC. AL-Lisaniyyat, 23(1), 77-95.


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