The lexical behavior implemented by the aphasic person with word-finding deficit: manifestations and modeling

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Nafissa Bouridah Ounas


The lexical system has as purpose to represent the different mechanisms
involved in language tasks such as expression, understanding, repetition and
aloud reading. The lexicalization corresponds to the central step of the oral
production where the subject retrieves the semantic and phonological words
target representations. The lexical disorders characterizes clearly the oral
production of aphasic speakers, they are reflected by a world-finding deficit
referring to the difficult even impractically failing in finding the verbal adequate
label to a language situation. The manifestations of the world-finding deficit are
observable in clinical practice in the language induced by the examiner thought
a pictorial test: the oral picture naming that may also be in referring to the lexical
models, a means to determine the nature of the lexical treatments under an act
the world-finding deficit. This approach is a part of the cognitive approach,
and has the advantage to explain the processes involved in the lexicalization
among the aphasic, in order to locate the difficulties, and the lexical knowledge
preserved that allow better identification to the components of the therapy of
lexical disturbances in aphasia.

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How to Cite
Bouridah Ounas, N. (2018). The lexical behavior implemented by the aphasic person with word-finding deficit: manifestations and modeling. AL-Lisaniyyat, 24(1), 47-62.


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