Can we define a concept of lexical norm?

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Souhila Milat


The writer raises the problematic of defining the lexical norm and draws
the following:
The lexical norm is not purely linguistic like the grammatical norm but
rather social linguistic so it does not contradict with creativity.
The lexicon is submitted to two norms:
The linguistic norm: represented by the phonological and syntactic rules
to formulate lexical units.
The social norm: reflected in various manifestations due to the
communicative function that the lexicon is made to fulfill.
The lexical norm is the result of the opposition of two forces: conservation
and renewal. Conservation ideology dominated for a long time but it was
unable to pursue. Now we are witnessing the appearance of the concept of
the global language which is another form of common language.
In fact, the norm is represented by the general use; its developmental
character cannot be denied or marginalized even if it is the cause of
problems in analysis.

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How to Cite
Milat, S. (2019). Can we define a concept of lexical norm?. AL-Lisaniyyat, 25(1), 135-175.


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