Grammar and logic in the medieval and contemporary archives: elements for a critical historiography

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Lazhari Rihani


The relation of grammar to logic has been expressed in two questions:
can grammar be founded on logic? Was Arabic grammar founded on logic?
The answers to the two questions were given according to particularly
different strategies, relying on very precise texts, to propose an answer.
However, these texts are problematic, both in terms of authentication and
interpretation; which gave rise to the need for a new approach following
a method that has been called “hermeneutical strategies” which is based
on a well-defined method and concepts resulting from Foucauldian
methodology, in order to a) reconstitute a critical historiography with the
aim of to overcome the philological and hermeneutical problems which
can be posed by these texts and which have restored to us, for decades,
an erroneous object which has never been posed in Arab culture in this
way; then b) propose a new reading of the grammar / logic relationship
where we hypothesized that this subject was raised by philosophers and
not grammarians

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How to Cite
Rihani, L. (2021). Grammar and logic in the medieval and contemporary archives: elements for a critical historiography. AL-Lisaniyyat, 27(2), 168-198.


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